Helen Exley once said, "Books can be dangerous. The best ones should be labeled, "This could change your life." Today, I found this note to Louisa May Alcott on top of her grave site in Sleepy Hallow Cemetery in Concord, MA. Truthfully, I did not come to the cemetery for Alcott, although I appreciate her work, I came to the cemetery for Emerson and ever more specifically Henry David Thoreau. Thoreau's Walden changed my life. I am here at Walden Pond now. And it has been nothing short of an environmental pilgrimmage. I feel it all - the wildness, the beauty- just like Thoreau wrote about in his book. I feel the words in the air. I can hear him say "Live Deliberately, Jamie." I intend to, Mr. Thoreau. I promise.
Oh books! Enlighten me. Forever. What book (s) have changed your life?
One of the most influential books for me is "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. Highly recommend everyone read this book.