I graduated from American University with a degree in International Relations with a concentration in Islamic Studies and Global Environmental Politics. Following a combination of the events of September 11th, my studies at AU, and my study abroad experiences, I had a strong desire to serve my country in a way that would encourage understanding and healing, promote cross cultural dialogue, and help "developing" (ugh gross labels) nations. This is where Peace Corps service comes into the picture. It was an easy decision for me to apply. I have always known in my heart that this would be my path following graduation. I do not think I shocked many people with this decision. I am a travel junkie, an adrenaline addict, and a closet nerd. Plus, I am the one girl without make up and I have a 45 second shower time (if I shower). I am kidding. Kind of. Finally ask me anything and I will give you my brutally honest opinion. I am sorry in advance. Or you're welcome in advance.
I run a lot. And for long distances. I like nature. And I will probably kill you with my music taste.